May Is Mental Health Month!

Each year, Mental Health Month falls in May. This year, we would like to highlight the many inspiring individuals who share their personal stories with others through our Success Over Stigma (SOS) program. SOS speakers are trained to tell their stories to schools, businesses, civic groups and faith communities, helping to educate the public about the obstacles they have faced in their personal and professional lives from their mental health challenges, as well as their success in overcoming those obstacles. By sharing their deeply personal stories of recovery, SOS speakers often report that doing so helps with their own mental health. Telling their stories to others also combats stigma and stereotypes about mental illness in the community.

If you would like to support the education, hope and inspiration these speakers provide to others, Interim could use your support!


Your gift will support the continued development of quality supportive services, affordable housing, and treatment programs that enable adults living with mental health challenges to live independently in their communities.


YOUR contribution will SAVE and TRANSFORM LIVES for vulnerable members of our community.