Enjoy the gift of giving this holiday season as Interim outlines ways to help those with mental illness

There are 12 days of Christmas, and just as many great ways to give to others this holiday season.

Working under a mission to provide services and affordable housing to those with mental illness, Interim Inc., has outlined charitable opportunities for those community members with the heart and means to help.

Over the last year, donations of time and money have helped Interim change the lives of more than 2,000 community members with a serious mental illness. We were able to provide treatment, peer support, jobs, education and most importantly, supported housing and community education.

These donations have helped people with mental illness to live happier, healthier, safer lives.

Consider the following ways to help this holiday season:


Monterey County Gives!

Interim is participating in the annual Monterey County Gives! Campaign. These donations will be used to support our Big Idea: renovating five 1-bedroom units at our Catalyst Apartment Complex. This permanent, affordable housing will be remodeled, re-roofed and will include energy efficient upgrades, new kitchens, bathrooms and flooring throughout. Visit www.montereycountygives.com for more details.



Through this program, Interim’s outreach workers engage homeless clients throughout the county, assisting them in acquiring food and shelter. A gift of $300 will help subsidize a month of rent in an apartment that we lease to homeless individuals.


Holiday Gift Drive

Each year, Interim distributes more than 100 gift cards (each valued at $25) to clients with children or grandchildren. Without this gift drive, our very low-income clients would not be able to provide holiday gifts to their children. A donation of $200 will provide eight gift cards.


Support Holiday Dinners

Donate food or your time to our annual Holiday Dinners. Because of limited kitchen space, we especially need volunteers to bake turkeys and hams at home and donate them to our annual Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Contact Lisa at (831) 800-7530 to help.



There are other ways to share your time, talent and treasure with Interim’s clients, including payroll deductions, gifts of stock, IRAs, charitable annuities, and charitable remainder trusts — to name a few. Please contact our Development Department at (831) 649-4522 ext. 205 for more information.

For more information about Interim Inc., visit www.interiminc.org.